hell, it's about time

So this is probably only interesting to me and maybe Megan - maybe - but Jet Set Radio Future is finally backwards compatible on the Xbox 360. Oh, and so is Panzer Dragoon Orta. Psychonauts, JSRF, and Panzer Dragoon were basically the games I wanted to see on the 360 - and hey! There they are. That's very nice of you, Microsoft. Apparently they've been up there since April and I just haven't noticed. Probably I don't check that list obsessively enough.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I love JSRF! I still need to unlock all the characters on my file...

Howcome, if Beat is the original GG character, do you not get him until later on in the game? Did you ever play Jet Grind Radio for the Dreamcast?

Erik Bear said...

That's like the one Dreamcast game I haven't played.